Some workshops this year are paired by theme. If you would like to continue the conversation around a particular theme for the afternoon, see the corresponding
workshop listed under the workshop description.
1. Recursos para la Salud Mental
Presentado por: Psicóloga Jessica Durán y Hilevi Flores
En este taller ofreceremos información importante y recursos para la comunidad hispana sobre la salud mental. Contaremos con expertos en el tema.
2. Sobre los Derechos de los Trabajadores
Presentado por: Helder Hernández (USCCB)
En este taller tendremos un panel de expertos que nos brindaran información importante para todos los trabajadores (documentados e indocumentados) sobre las leyes que nos protejen. También habrá información sobre recursos.
3. Taller sobre las Comunidades de Solidaridad
Presentado por: William Becerra D. Min (CRS)
¿Quieres vivir tu fe al máximo y luchar por la justicia social? Únete a este taller y descubre cómo las Comunidades de Solidaridad de CRS te pueden ayudar a: desarrollar tus habilidades de liderazgo, abogacía e incidencia comunitaria, aprender sobre los problemas humanitarios más urgentes del mundo, y tomar acción para poner fin a la pobreza y la injusticia global.
4. Like Every Disciple: Putting it into Action
Presenter: Fr. Matt Buening, Coordinator of LGBT Ministry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore
This workshop will examine the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s new guidelines for pastoral accompaniment of LGBTQ+ persons. It will explain how we are putting it into action locally and
how it compares to similar guidelines around the country.
See afternoon workshop 14.
5. A Place to Call Home
Presenters: Gayle Briscoe and Bridge Maryland. Inc.
Is good housing for workers, the disabled, seniors, etc. a basic human right or an impossible dream? Learn more about the barriers to housing our community members face, how Bridge has been working on those problems, and how we can help as people of faith.
See afternoon workshop 15.
6. Our Catholic Identity in Life and Social Justice Outreach
Presenters: Erin Younkins, Director, Life, Peace and Justice, Archdiocese of Baltimore, and
Brian Rhude, Campus Minister, Newman Center at Towson University
How our faith and Catholic Social Teaching define our efforts.
See afternoon workshop 16.
7. Building a Web of Care for Creation
Presenters: St. John the Evangelist in Columbia Green Team and Jose Aguto, Executive Director of the Catholic Climate Covenant
Overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Feeling powerless and confused? Come and learn about things you, your neighbors, and your parish can do NOW to care for creation. Find out about resources, programs, and ideas to help you make a difference in your own community.
Repeated in the afternoon.
8. Racial Justice in America
Presenter: Adrienne Curry, Director, Office of Black Catholic Ministries, Archdiocese
of Baltimore
This workshop will look at the history of racism in this country and the times of resistance.
See afternoon workshop 18.
9. What Should the Young Church Think About the Death Penalty?
Presenter: Emmjolee Mendoza-Waters, Director of Death Penalty Abolition Program,
Catholic Mobilizing Network
As Catholics, we are called to live with justice and mercy and uphold the value of all life. The death penalty violates both the Church’s pro-life teaching and the teaching on the inherent dignity of the human person as created in the image and likeness of God.
See afternoon workshop 19.
10. Prison Ministry in Maryland Through Kairos
Presenters: Reid Reininger, Kairos State Committee Chair, William MacBain, Kairos State Committee and Kairos Prison Ministry International Council, and Lisa MacBain, Kairos Advisory Council
The mission of the Kairos prison ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth, as well as their families to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. Come and learn more about how you can be a part of this empowering ministry.
11. Recognizing the Gifts of Disabled Catholics
Presenter: Mary O’Meara, Executive Director of the Department of Special Needs, Archdiocese of Washington
Addressing accessibility and welcome for people of varying physical and cognitive abilities.
12. Understanding and Accessing Mental Health Treatment
Presenter: Johanna Miller, LCSW-C, Catholic Charities’ Villa Maria Behavioral Health
Mental health is a universal human right, but understanding what it means and how to access it can feel mysterious. This workshop will define mental health, how to tell if you or someone you know could benefit from mental health support, what happens in treatment, and strategies to support yourself and others. Mental health as a broader social justice concern will also be explored.
13. Why are Workers Organizing?
Presenters: Ward Morrow, Esq., University of Maryland Law Professor, member of OPEIU
Local 2 & AFGE, Members of the Maryland Catholic Labor Network and invited workers
Ward Morrow will lead a discussion about recent local organizing efforts. Are organized labor’s long-cherished principles to bring about dignity, subsidiarity, solidarity, and the common good reason for so much organizing? Do those same principles challenge Catholics to support these organizing efforts and their courageous leaders?
14. Fiducia Supplican (Pope's Letter on Blessings): Putting it into Perspective
Presenter: Keith Wildenberg, Co-founder of Building Catholic Futures
The workshop explores how and why the Pope’s new blessing declaration came to be and
how it can be put into practice.
15. A Place to Call Home
Presenter: Danise Jones-Dorsey, Chair of SHARE Baltimore Inc.
The cost to purchase a home is becoming unaffordable for many, and cost of rent is skyrocketing. Community land trusts have been proposed as one of the solutions for sustainable permanently affordable housing. Learn about community land trusts, how they work, and how you can get involved.
16. Hearing the Call
Presenter: Erin Younkins, Director, Life, Peace and Justice, Archdiocese of Baltimore
Practical tools for listening and discerning your gifts for the service of others.
17. Building a Web of Care for Creation
Presenters: St. John the Evangelist in Columbia Green Team and Jose Aguto, Executive Director of the Catholic Climate Covenant
Overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Feeling powerless and confused? Come and learn about things you, your neighbors, and your parish can do NOW to care for creation. Find out about resources, programs, and ideas to help you make a difference in your own community.
18. Voting Rights and Its Decimation
Presenter: Adrienne Curry, Director, Office of Black Catholic Ministries, Archdiocese of Baltimore
This workshop will look at the history of African American’s right to vote, the landmark voter’s rights bill and what we can do today as our voting ability is being decimated.
19. Pro-Life, Social Justice, & Not Being Cringe
Presenters: Mike Tenney, Speaker, Podcaster, and Worship Leader
Do you have a heart for the little guy? Do you try to stand up for those that others ignore or hurt? Do you get a lot of side-eye for your bleeding heart beliefs? Come learn how to be a more effective and magnanimous defender of the vulnerable from womb to tomb.
20. Domestic Violence and Social Justice
Presenter: Sharon O’Brien, Director, Catholics for Family Peace
The Director of Catholics for Family Peace will present on intersection of domestic violence and social justice issues as well as ways that faith-based ministries can support recovery and prevention.